최근에는 asp.net core 에 한정해서 개발을 하다보니 대부분 Disable 하고 필요한 것만 Enable 해서 사용
- .NET Core Add Reference
- .NET Core Test Explorer
- .NET Install Tool for Extension Authors
- ASP.NET Core Switcher
- Auto Close Tag
- Auto Rename Tag
- Auto-Using for C#
- Bookmarks
- C#
- C# Namespace Autocompletion
- Code Spell Checker
- CSS Flexbox Cheatsheet
- CSS Peek
- EditorConfig for VS Code
- ESLint
- Font Awesome Auto-complete & Preview
- Git History
- gitignore
- Highlight Matching Tag
- HTML (C#)
- HTML CSS Support
- indent-rainbow
- IntelliCode
- IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML
- Jira and Bitbucket (Atlassian Labs)
- Korean(사용법) Language Pack for Visual Studio Code
- LibMan Tools
- Live Server
- Markdown All in One
- Material Icon Theme
- npm
- NuGet Package Manager
- Output Colorizer
- Path Autocomplete
- Path Intellisense
- Prettier – Code formatter
- Prettify JSON
- Todo Tree
- Vim
- Auto Import
- autoconf
- Azure Account
- Azure App Service
- Azure Databases
- Azure Resources
- Azure Storage
- Azure Storage Explorer
- Azure Virtual Machines
- Better C++ Syntax
- Bootstrap 4, Font awesome 4, Font Awesome 5 Free & Pro snippets
- Bootstrap 5 Snippets
- C/C++
- C++ Intellisense
- Classic ASP
- Classic ASP Syntaxes and Snippets
- CMake
- CMake Language Support
- CMake Tools
- Cortex-Debug
- Django
- Docker
- DotENV
- EJS language support
- ES7+ React/Redux/React-NAtive snippets
- ETHover
- flask-snippets
- ftp-kr
- GitHub Actions
- GitHub Pull Requests and Issues
- GitLens – Git supercharged
- Go
- Graphviz Interactive Preview
- Hex Editor
- Import Cost
- JavaScript (ES6) code snippets
- Jinja
- JQuery Code Snippets
- jshint
- Jupyter
- Jupyter Keymap
- Jupyter Notebook Renderers
- LinkerScript
- MagicPython
- NGINX Configuration
- Node.js Modules Intellisense
- php cs fixer
- PHP Debug
- PHP Intelephense
- PHP IntelliSense
- PHP intellisense for codeigniter
- Placeholder Images
- PlantUML
- Pylance
- Python
- Python Indent
- Rainbow CSV
- Remote – Containers
- Remote – SSH
- Remote – SSH: Editng Configuration Files
- REST Client
- solidity
- Solidity Contract Flattener
- Solidity Debugger
- Solidity Lanuage & Themes (only)
- Solidity Visual Developer
- solidity-solhint
- Thunder Client
- vscode-faker
- vscode-proto3
- vscode-solution-explorer
- vscode-styled-components
- XML Tools
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