
azure ubuntu 설치 ver 2022

TimeZone Setting

package update

Util Install & Setting

.ssh login 처리

after edit ~/.ssh/authorized_keys from have to login client’s ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 

sudoer 처리

after modify /etc/sudoers.d/init-user

zsh Install & Setting

after copy .zshrc to ~

tmux Install & Setting

after edit .tmux.conf.local

nvim 설정

after copy init.vim to ~/.SpaceVim/

after copy init.toml to ~/.SpaceVim.d/

after run vi

root zsh & nvim 처리

after modify oh-my-zsh pass on export ZSH “/home/user/.oh-my-zsh” to “/root/.oh-my-zsh” on .zshrc

after run vi

pip Install & Setting (for nvim)

nodejs & npm Install & Setting (for nvim)


after modify /etc/postfix/main.cf

after modify /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf

after modify /etc/mailname

OpenVpn Server 처리

after modify vars

OpenVpn Client 처리

after copy ca.crt, ta.key, client.key, client.crt, client.ovpn to /etc/openvpn

after edit /etc/default/openvpn for openvpn auto start

APM 처리

SVN Server 처리

after copy /etc/init.d/svnserve


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