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drop table tempdb; if exists ( select * from sysobjects where name = 'tempdb' and xtype = 'U' ) create table cars111 ( Name0 varchar(64) not null, Name1 varchar(64) not null, Name2 varchar(64) not null ); select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where table_name = 'cars111' and column_name = 'Name0'; |
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static internal ProtoBufRES doInsert(ProtoBufASK r_ask) { try { var res = new ProtoBufRES(); Mapper.Instance().BeginTransaction(); res.nRet = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject < int > ("QueryInsert", r_ask); // Insert시에 SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()로 키값을 가져오는 방향으로 Mapper.Instance().CommitTransaction(); if (0 >= nRet) { res.m_eResult = ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_NOINSERT; res.m_strMessage = "처리되지 않았습니다."; return res; } else { res.m_eResult = ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_OK; return res; } } catch (Exception ex) { Mapper.Instance().RollBackTransaction(); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } |
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static private readonly ILog s_thelog = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); #if DEBUG static public ServiceReference_Solution.ServiceTaxiClient proxy = new ServiceReference_Solution.ServiceTaxiClient(); #else static public ServiceReference_Staging.ServiceTaxiClient proxy = new ServiceReference_Staging.ServiceTaxiClient(); #endif private ProtoBufRES _function(ProtoBufASK r_ask) { s_thelog.Info("> " + GetType().FullName + "." + MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name); var btask = ProtoBuffHelper.Serialize(r_ask); var btres = proxy.function(btask); var res = ProtoBuffHelper.Deserialize < ProtoBufRES > (btres); s_thelog.Debug(string.Format(" {0, -25} : {1}", "m_eResult", res.m_eResult)); if (ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_EXCEPTION == res.m_eResult) { s_thelog.Error(res.m_strMessage); } return res; } [TestMethod] public void function () { var ask = new ProtoBufASK { m_nMemberID = 1, m_nMemberFriendID = 2 }; var res = _function(ask); Assert.AreNotEqual(ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_EXCEPTION, res.m_eResult); } |
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static public byte[] function (byte[] r_bAsk) { try { var ask = ProtoBuffHelper.Deserialize < ProtoBufASK > (r_bAsk); var res = daoCommunity.doReceiveDeny(ask); return ProtoBuffHelper.Serialize(res); } catch (Exception ex) { var exres = new ProtoBufRES { m_eResult = ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_EXCEPTION, m_strMessage = string.Format("tException function : {0}nt{1}n", Convert.ToBase64String(r_bAsk), ex.Message) }; CCommon.s_thelog(exres.m_strMessage); return ProtoBuffHelper.Serialize(exres); } } |
DAO – insert
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static internal ProtoBufRES doInsert(ProtoBufASK r_ask) { try { var res = new ProtoBufRES(); Mapper.Instance().BeginTransaction(); res.nRet = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject < int > ("QueryInsert", r_ask); // Insert시에 SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()로 키값을 가져오는 방향으로 Mapper.Instance().CommitTransaction(); if (0 >= nRet) { res.m_eResult = ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_NOINSERT; res.m_strMessage = "처리되지 않았습니다."; return res; } else { res.m_eResult = ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_OK; return res; } } catch (Exception ex) { Mapper.Instance().RollBackTransaction(); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } |
DAO – update delete
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static internal ProtoBufRES doUpdate(ProtoBufASK r_ask) { try { var res = new ProtoBufRES(); Mapper.Instance().BeginTransaction(); res.nRet = Mapper.Instance().Delete("QueryDelete", r_ask); Mapper.Instance().CommitTransaction(); if (0 >= nRet) { res.m_eResult = ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_NOUPDATE; res.m_strMessage = "데이터가 처리되지 않았습니다."; return res; } else { res.m_eResult = ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_OK; return res; } } catch (Exception ex) { Mapper.Instance().RollBackTransaction(); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } |
DAO – select
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static internal ProtoBufRES doSelect(ProtoBufASK r_ask) { try { var res = Mapper.Instance().QueryForObject < ProtoBufRES > ("QuerySelect", r_ask); if (0 >= res.nRet) { res.m_eResult = ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_NORESULT; res.m_strMessage = "res에 데이터가 없습니다."; return res; } var listMine = Mapper.Instance().QueryForList < ProtoBuf > ("QuerySelect", r_ask); if (0 >= listMine.Count) { res.m_eResult = ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_NORESULT; res.m_strMessage = "list 내에 데이터가 없습니다."; return res; } else { foreach(var itemMine in listMine) { res.m_listMine.Add(itemMine); } res.m_eResult = ENUM_RESULT.ENUM_OK; return res; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); } } |
cshap 빌드시에
warning "C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoftVisualStudiov10.0WebApplicationsMicrosoft.WebApplication.targets"을(를) 다시 가져올 수 없습니다. "##############.csproj (1262,3)"에서 이미 가져왔습니다. 이는 빌드 작성 오류일 가능성이 높으며 이 후속 가져오기는 무시됩니다. |
이 눈에 거슬릴때는 csproj 파일을 열어
$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)MicrosoftVisualStudiov10.0WebApplicationsMicrosoft.WebApplication.targets |
이 있는 부분을 찾아 삭제한다.